You Are Not…
You are not your job.
You are not the money you make. Or the money you don’t have.
You are not the khaki pants and white shirt they make you wear every day.
You are not the new clothes you put on today.
You are not the house you live in or the car you drive.
You are not your grade point average.
You are not the mistakes you make.
You are not your accomplishments.
You are not what other people say you are.
You are not what you see in the mirror. Whether you like what you see or not.
You are not the feelings that overwhelm you and make you feel depressed.
You are so much more than any of this.

photo by Thomas Leuthard
Most of us don’t know who we are. We will say we are the job we do. Or we will say we are the feelings we have. Or we will say we are our current circumstances.
I am an accountant. I am broke. I am rich. I am depressed.
We are none of these things.
When we mistakenly identify ourselves as our circumstances, we let them decide who we are and who we will become. Our stories get lost in. They get lost in our appearances. They get lost in our feelings. They get lost in the things we own.
And then we waste our time and effort, we waste our lives, on a story that is worth nothing in the end.
There are two ways to help yourself identify less with circumstances and to become who you were meant to be.
The first is to understand that you are loved. And you are worth dying for.
And then the second is to become love.
I don’t believe in telling you in a step by step process to living a better story because I don’t believe that there are right or wrong stories.
I do believe that you get to choose your own story for yourself. I believe that your circumstances don’t choose for you.
And I believe that love makes an incredibly good story, one that will matter in the end.
Who are you?
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