Jeremy Statton

Living Better Stories

Love Runs

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love runsLove does stuff.

And sometimes love runs.

Do you remember that school in Northern Uganda I told you about several months ago? Restore Leadership Academy?

The one run by Bob Goff and filled with kids that are going to shape the future of Uganda? The one restoring hope to so many that wouldn’t have it otherwise?

Well, they need some more classrooms.

My friend, Ally Vesterfelt, who I introduced you to Friday, is celebrating her 30th birthday by raising money to build those kids another classroom.

And she needs our help.

Ally is organizing a remote 5K where all of the proceeds will benefit Restore Leadership Academy and help them build another classroom.

Kids get smarter. You get exercise. The very definition of win-win.

What You Can Do

1. Sign up for the event here. The entry fee is $35.

2. Invite everyone It takes $30,000 to build one of these classrooms. If 1,000 people sign up, that classroom is as good as built. We need your help to get to 1,000. Share it on Facebook. Share it on Twitter. Tell everyone you know.

Tell them so you don’t have to run alone. Tell them so that we can get this classroom built. Tell them because it’s more fun to do stuff with friends.

3. Then on May 25 run 3.1 miles. Ally lives in Minnesota and I’m pretty sure they still have snow on the ground in May, so instead of organizing an actual race there, she is asking that you run wherever you are.

It can be outside or inside. It can be in a park or in the woods. It can be on a treadmill or on a sidewalk. Your choice.

And if running isn’t your thing, you can walk or ride a bike. Also your choice.

And if running and walking and cycling aren’t your thing, you can sign up anyways and pretend like you ran. You still get the t-shirt. You still help these kids.

I promise, I won’t tell anybody.

An example

One of the classrooms being built at Restore taken at my visit there in March.

Free Books

To show his appreciation for your help, Bob has offered to give away books. I will randomly select 5 people to receive a free copy of Love Does.

To be eligible  to win I ask you to do 2 things. The most important is to sign up for the race. And I need you to tell others about it. Specifically I am asking that you share this post on Facebook and Twitter.

If you sign up, email me a copy of your receipt and you’ll be entered to win. (

Why do this?

1. Because there are a bunch of kids who don’t have much except a little bit of hope for the future because of this school.

2. Because Bob Goff gives so much of himself away, this is a chance to give back to him.

3. Because when we love and we do stuff for people with people, it’s fun.

I hope you’ll join me.

To register for the Love Runs remote 5k click here

And if you are running it, encourage everyone else by telling us in the comments. The more people the better. Everyone is invited.

You can leave a comment by clicking here.

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up.

About Jeremy Statton

Jeremy is a writer and an orthopedic surgeon. When not ridding the world of pain, he helps you live a better story. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook or Google +.

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