Jeremy Statton

Living Better Stories

3 Ways the “In-Between” is Vital to your Story

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From Jeremy: My friend, Jeff Goins, releases his newest book, The In-Between, this week. If you buy the book early, he has some free goodies he would like to give you. To find out more about the free stuff, click here.

There is the person I am, and the person I want to become.

There are the things I do, and the things I want to do someday.

There is my life as it used to be and the life I want.

And then there is the space In-Between. The space I find myself in now.

in-betweenRight Now is In-Between

As Goins points out in his new book, much of our life is spent between a past once lived and a future much desired. These in-between moments are filled with waiting.

  • The pause between one song to the next.
  • The job you got just to pay the bills, but don’t really want.
  • The career job filled with the mind-numbing menial tasks while you hope to be noticed for a promotion.
  • The space between one relationships and another.
  • The space between one church and another.
  • The time between one meal and the next.
  • The weeks between one vacation and another.
  • The day after yesterday and the one just before tomorrow.

The list can go on, but the lists teaches us something important. The in-between moments are now.

The now is transition. The now is a time to let go of the past. The now is a hope for the future.

And sometimes we lose the now because we are too busy hoping and waiting and longing for what is next.

But Goins has a different idea. Maybe right now, maybe this in-between period is where you are supposed to be. Maybe this space is just as important as what lay behind or ahead. Maybe right now is filled with important moments too.

Maybe the in-between is an opportunity to become.

3 Lessons from the In-Between

When we embrace the transitional times of our lives, we can learn important lessons.

1. Learn to slow down.

The transition can be so busy that we miss the season of life altogether. How many have finally arrived, and when they stopped they realized they had missed everything else? Slowing down is about embracing now. Seeing what today offers.

Now is good. Now is filled with life. Now is important, if we can see it. And the only way to see it is to slow down.

2. Learn to let go.

We are always wanting something. And that isn’t wrong or bad. But wanting something different can prevent us from living in the now. Sometimes we also have to let go. We have to let go of the past. We have to let go of the future. And we have to just be.

3. Learn to be grateful.

When we focus on what is next, we lose sight of how valuable and wonderful everything is right now. When we pause we learn to be grateful. Grateful for the past. Grateful for the future and its opportunities.

But most important, grateful for right now. Grateful for what you have. Grateful for who you are. Grateful to be alive.

Have you discovered anything valuable in the In-Between?

You can leave a comment here. But maybe it would be even more valuable to read Goins’ new book, The In-Between.

(If this video isn’t play for you, try clicking here to view it in your browser.)

About Jeremy Statton

Jeremy is a writer and an orthopedic surgeon. When not ridding the world of pain, he helps you live a better story. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook or Google +.

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