20 Ways You Can Be Like Everybody Else
As a surgeon, I am asked one question more than any other.
Sometimes I get asked “how many of these surgeries have you done?” Some ask how quickly they can go back to work. Others ask to be off a really long time.
Sometimes I am asked for a magic pill that would make all of the pain go away. No kidding.
But the most common question I am asked is:
Is this normal?

photo by JD Hancock
I understand what most people want to know when they ask that question. But it does make you wonder why we are so obsessed with being normal. For whatever reason, pain and swelling and weakness seem easier to handle if “everybody else” is experiencing the same thing.
In the same way we convince ourselves that life is better if “everybody else” is experiencing the same life.
Doing something different creates tension. Tension between us and those that fit in. Tension within ourselves.
If we don’t fit in, we wonder if other people will like us. If we don’t fit in, we wonder if we are doing things correctly. If we don’t fit in, we wonder what is wrong with us.
And so we constantly compare ourselves to everyone around us, trying to make sure we are normal.
I understand that for many, life is more palatable if you are normal. If you to avoid standing out, this article is a guide to help you be like everybody else.
- Have realistic, plausible dreams. Like owning a Nissan Z. Or dating the right guy/girl.
- Stop reading books when you stop going to school.
- Start tomorrow
- Spend all of your money. It doesn’t matter on what, just spend it. Live paycheck to paycheck.
- When something is hard and you meet resistance, give up.
- Watch TV every single night so you can talk to everybody at work about it the next day.
- Never, ever exercise. Ever.
- Surround yourself with friends who are striving hard to be like everybody else.
- Do nothing that hurts. Avoid pain, both emotional and physical, at all costs.
- Define success by what other people think of you.
- Define success by the size of your house or the type of car you drive.
- Avoid doing anything that could result in failure.
- Eat as much junk food as you can. Avoid fruits and vegetables.
- Learn nothing new. Keep doing the same things the same way every day.
- Make entertaining yourself your number one priority in life.
- Don’t ask for help. Assume you know everything
- Keep up with what everybody is doing on Facebook
- Never volunteer your time. Never give your money. Never see the need of others and make sacrifices to help meet their need.
- Sleep in as often as possible.
- Be afraid.
I am sure there are more, but if your goal is normal, then these steps should help you get there.
As you can see, though. Normal may not be that great after all.
What do you do that is normal and prevents you from becoming who you want to be?
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