How Busy Are You?
Have you ever noticed that anytime you bump into someone you know and ask how they are doing, you find out how busy they are?
“How is work?”
“Oh man, it is busy.”
“How are the kids?”
“The kids keep me so busy.”
“We happen to be moving this weekend. Could you help us?”
“I would love to, but I am just too busy.”
Busy. Busy. Busy.
Sometimes we say this out of comparison. Sometimes we say it because we don’t know what else to say.

photo by Trey Ratcliff (creative commons)
I had a friend introduce me to a friend of his this week and this is what he told them.
“Jeremy is the busiest person I know.”
The truth is we are all busy doing something all of the time. 24-7. And we all have the same amount of time to do it in. 24-7.
- Sometimes we are awake. Sometimes we are asleep.
- Sometimes we work. Sometimes we play.
- Sometimes we create. Sometimes we consume.
- Sometimes we are happy. Sometimes we are sad. Or worse, angry.
- Sometimes we use our time well. Sometimes we waste it.
- Sometimes we live. Sometimes we worry.
- Sometimes we soak up every minute of our time. Sometimes we kill it.
- Sometimes we start. Sometimes we wait for another day.
Busyness isn’t the issue.
The question then is what are you busy doing?
The second question is even better.
What will you cut out of your busy schedule so that you can get busy doing something worthwhile?
But don’t spend all of your time asking the questions. Get busy doing something about it. Today.
And if you have the time, consider sharing this message with your friends.
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